Setting Up a Vault


Choose Window > Layouts > Standard (or press Shift-Option-S) to return to the Standard layout.


Connect your external drive.


Below the Projects panel click the Show/Hide Vaults button.


Click the Vault Action pop-up menu and choose Add Vault.


Enter a name for your vault and navigate to the destination drive, then click Add.


It's best to use a high-capacity, reliable external device like a FireWire drive. You cannot set a DVD as a vault, nor can your Library exceed your external drive capacity. Dedicate an entire drive as your vault and remember to buy a drive with enough room for your entire Library and enough space to allow your Library to expand.


Look at the Vault section. Your new vault has been added with an indication of available space.


Click the Update Vault button and confirm your choice in the Update Vault dialog that pops up by clicking Update Vault.

The first time you synchronize your Library the backup may take some time; however, after your first synchronization Aperture will back up only the files that have been altered.

Notice that the Update Vault button has three colors, each indicating a different state. Red indicates that you have added new images to the Library that you have not backed up to the vault. Yellow indicates that you have made changes to existing content (made changes to the metadata or image adjustments) and that those changes need to be backed up to the vault. Finally, black indicates that all changes and images have been successfully backed up.


It's advisable to add more than one vault to your system. Each vault will be an identical mirror of your Library. Adding additional vaults protects against the unlikely event that your master Library and your primary vault will be damaged or destroyed. It's common practice to keep one vault at the office and another at home. To keep a second vault current, simply return it to your Aperture system and click Update Vault.

Apple Pro Training Series. Getting Started with Aperture
Apple Pro Training Series: Getting Started with Aperture
ISBN: 0321422759
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 110 © 2008-2017.
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