Tricks of the Microsoft Office Gurus: Business Solutions

book cover
Tricks of the Microsoft® Office Gurus: Business Solutions
By Paul McFedries
Publisher: Que
Pub Date: April 12, 2005
Print ISBN: 0-7897-3369-2
Pages: 552

Table of Contents  | Index
We all have those "go-to" people in our lives. The one you go-to for advice, the one you go-to for comfort, the one you go-to with technical you can be the one that others go-to for help with Microsoft Office 2003. Tricks of the Microsoft Office Gurus is full of exclusive tricks from Paul McFedries, an Office "insider," that will help you learn the Office applications inside and out. Designed to bridge the gap between your expectation and reality, you will go beyond the basics and learn newly discovered techniques, shortcuts and best practices, including: Using Excel's "Camera Tool" for what-if analysis Embedding fonts in shared documents Adding a live stock price quote to a worksheet Using dummy text to layout and format a document Publishing Outlook Calendar to the web Using Word to customize Power Point handoutsThrough real-world examples that showcase how the tips and tricks can be used in everyday business tasks, Tricks of the Microsoft Office Gurus will help you get the most out of Office 2003.

Tricks of the Microsoft Office Gurus
Tricks of the Microsoft Office Gurus
ISBN: 0789733692
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 129 © 2008-2017.
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