Using the Multiple Selection Button

We have already mentioned that you can search for the correct code for any field on the multiple selection screen in the usual manner: Simply click inside the field to call up its search button, click it, then follow the instructions in the previous lesson.

This process enables you to search for and enter a single code for a field. However, you can also search for and enter multiple codes on the multiple search screen by using the Multiple selection button at its bottom.

To illustrate this, we search for the codes for several pumps by following this next procedure. This procedure begins after the multiple selection screen for the Equipment field of an initial screen has been called up.

Procedure: Searching for Multiple Codes for the Multiple Selection Screen

Step 1.

Click the green-lighted Single vals tab (A) on the multiple selection screen (Figure 11.11). (Note: This procedure works only on the single-value subscreens of the screen.)

Figure 11.11. The first two steps in searching for multiple codes for the multiple selection screen.

Step 2.

Click the Multiple selection button at the bottom of this screen (B).

Step 3.

The multiple-tab search screen for equipment codes appears (Figure 11.12). Enter search criteria on the appropriate subscreen. For this example, we entered 1000 in the Maintenance plant field (A) and *pump* in the Equipment descript field (B).

Figure 11.12. Search criteria are entered on the multiple-tab search screen.

Step 4.

Hit the Enter key on your keyboard to conduct the search.

Step 5.

The system responds with a hit list of matching objects (Figure 11.13). Notice that each line of the list has a selection box on its left end (A). Select the desired objects by clicking their selection boxes to place check marks inside them.

Figure 11.13. The hit list for the search. Select multiple objects by clicking their selection boxes (A).

Step 6.

Hit the Enter key on your keyboard to return to the Multiple Selection for Material screen, where the selected object codes are now entered in the fields (Figure 11.14).

Figure 11.14. The codes for the objects selected in Figure 11.13 are entered on the Multiple Selection for Material screen.

SAP R. 3 for Everyone. Step-by-Step Instructions, Practical Advice, and Other Tips and Tricks for Working with SAP
SAP R/3 for Everyone: Step-by-Step Instructions, Practical Advice, and Other Tips and Tricks for Working with SAP
ISBN: 0131860852
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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