Skype Main Window (Microsoft Windows)

The Skype user interface, or main window, shown in Figure 4-4, is organized around three main tabs:

  • Contacts displays the Skype Names of the people in your Contacts List and each person's online status.

  • Dial displays a keypad where you can dial a number directly when calling outside the Skype network.

  • History shows a list of recent calls, chats, and file transfers you've made, as well as the dates and times of these communications. It also shows where you saved files that were transferred to your computer.

The top of the Skype main window also includes a series of action buttons; an events area, where you can see missed calls and received voicemails; and a services section, where you can get information about your Skype account. The bottom of the Skype main window contains a text box for entering Skype Names or phone numbers.

The Skype application works in a standard way across a variety of functions. Typically, you select one or more Skype Names and then do something (call, send an IM, start a conference call, or transfer a file).

Skype. The Definitive Guide
Skype: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 032140940X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 130 © 2008-2017.
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