Before You Start

Take a moment to make sure your system is ready to install Reason, and that you have all the necessary software.

First check to make sure that your system is fast enough and that you have sufficient RAM to run Reason.

Mac OS X system requirements

G3 or better processor

System 10.2 or higher

256 MB of RAM

2 GB of free hard disk space

CD-ROM drive

MIDI interface and keyboard recommended

Windows system requirements

Intel Pentium 3 or better; 300 MHz or faster

Windows 2000/XP or later

256 MB of RAM

256-color, 800x600 resolution monitor or better

16-bit Windows-compatible audio card; Audio Stream Input/Output (ASIO) or DirectX driver recommended

MIDI interface and keyboard recommended

Next, make sure that you have a complete Reason 3.0 package.

Reason 3.0 package

A Program CD

A Factory Sound Bank CD

An Orkester Sound Bank CD

Printed documentation

An authorization card

Reason 3 For Windows and Mac
Reason 3 For Windows and Mac
ISBN: 321269179
Year: 2003
Pages: 180 © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: