Recipe 4.2. Converting Between Different Number Systems


You want to convert a number between different bases (such as decimal, binary, hexadecimal, etc.).


Use the parseInt( ) function with the radix parameter (the radix is the number's base) to convert a string to a decimal representation. Use the toString( ) method of a Number, uint, or int object with the radix parameter to convert a decimal number to a string representation of the value in another base.


No matter how you set a number value in ActionScript, the result is always retrieved as a decimal (base-10) number:

// Create a Color object var pink:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(  ); // Set the RGB value as a hexadecimal pink.rgb = 0xF612AB; // This displays the value as decimal: 16126635 trace(pink.rgb);

However, if you want to output a value in a different base, you can use toString( radix ) for a Number, uint, or int object to convert any number value to a string representing that number in the specified base.

These two examples convert numeric literals to uint objects and output the string representations in base-2 (binary) and base-16 (hexadecimal) format.

// The radix is 2, so output as binary trace(new uint(51).toString(2));  // Displays: 110011 // The radix is 16, so output as hex trace(new uint(25).toString(16)); // Displays: 19

When using the toString( ) method with a variable that contains a numeric literal value, Flash automatically creates a new Number, uint, or int object before calling the toString( ) method. Although it's not typically the best practice, it is not technically wrong, and in most applications the differences are negligible. This example assigns a primitive number to a variable and calls the toString( ) method to output the value in hexadecimal:

var quantity:Number = 164; trace(quantity.toString(16)); // Displays: a4

The results from these examples are not numeric literals, but rather strings, such as 110011, 19, and A4.

The following example sets the RGB value of a ColorTransform object, calls toString( ) on the result to display the value as a hexadecimal (as it had been input, although the alpha digits are converted to lowercase, and the result is a string, not a number):

// Create a Color object var pink:Color = new ColorTransform(  ); // Set the RGB value as a hexadecimal pink.rgb = 0xF612AB; trace(pink.rgb.toString(16));  // Displays: f612ab

The valid range for the radix parameter of the toString( ) method is from 2 to 36. If you call toString( ) with no radix parameter or an invalid value, decimal format (base-10) is assumed.

You can achieve the inverse of the toString( ) process using the parseInt( ) function with the radix parameter. The parseInt( ) function takes a string value and returns a number. This is useful if you want to work with base inputs other than 10.

These examples parse the numbers from the string in base-2 (binary), base-16 (hexadecimal), and base-10, respectively (note that the result is always a decimal):

trace(parseInt("110011", 2));  // Displays: 51 trace(parseInt("19", 16));     // Displays: 25 trace(parseInt("17", 10));     // Displays: 17

If omitted, the radix is assumed to be 10, unless the string starts with 0x, 0X, or 0, in which case hexadecimal or octal is assumed:

trace(parseInt("0x12"));     // The radix is implicitly 16. Displays: 18 trace(parseInt("017"));      // The radix is implicitly 8. Displays: 15

An explicit radix overrides an implicit one. In the next example, the result is 0, not 12. When the number is treated base-10, conversion stops when a non-numeric characterthe xis encountered:

// The number is treated as a decimal, not a hexadecimal number trace(parseInt("0x12", 10));   // Displays: 0 (not 12 or 18)

Here, although the leading zero doesn't prevent the remainder digits from being interpreted, it is treated as a decimal number, not an octal number:

// The number is treated as a decimal, not an octal number trace(parseInt("017",  10));   // Displays: 17 (not 15)

Don't forget to include 0, 0x, or an explicit radix. The following interprets the string as a decimal and returns NaN (not a number) because "A" can't be converted to an integer:

trace(parseInt("A9FC9C"));     // NaN

ActionScript 3. 0 Cookbook
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook: Solutions for Flash Platform and Flex Application Developers
ISBN: 0596526954
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 351 © 2008-2017.
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