Adding Pictures

Adding pictures to a picture library is much like adding documents to a document library. In the following exercise, you will add an employee picture to the Employee Photos document library.

USE the practice file image from book pjcov.jpg in the practice file folder for this chapter. The practice file is located in the Documents\Microsoft Press\SBS_WSSv3\Chapter 05 folder.

OPEN the SharePoint site that you’d like to use to upload a picture to a picture library. If prompted, type your user name and password, and then click OK.

1. On the Quick Launch, click the Employees Photos picture library link. The Employee Photos document library appears.

2. Click Upload. The Add Pictures: Employee Photos page appears.

3. Click Browse.

4. In the Choose File dialog box, browse to the file you would like to upload, such as image from book pjcov.jpg, and then click Open.

5. Click OK. The Employee Photos: pjcov page appears.

This page is used to populate metadata on the picture, including name, date, description, and keywords.

6. Fill in the metadata if needed, and then click OK.

The picture has been uploaded, and you are taken back to the Employee Photos picture library.

CLOSE the browser.

Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Services Version 3. 0 Step by Step
Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Services Version 3. 0 Step by Step
ISBN: 735623635
Year: 2004
Pages: 201 © 2008-2017.
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