Hack 35. Jump Out of Foundation

Explore the roof of the Foundation map.

There are a few ways to get onto the roof of the Foundation level. My favorite involves using a pallet and a grenade jump [Hack #2]. This move allows you to get onto one of the roof's supports.

First, you need to move the pallet into position (see Figure 4-18) you can use grenades, pushing, and melees to move the pallet into place. The area just outside the Foundation rooms is perfect for placing the pallet. Simply push it up to the wall opposite the doorway (i.e., against the one with the numbers). Then use a grenade to blow it into the air and catch it against the wall behind you.

While the pallet is flying, simply back up and you will trap the pallet against the wall with your back (see Figure 4-19). Once you have the pallet in place, you can crouch jump [Hack #1] to the ledge above the doorway (see Figure 4-20).

Figure 4-18. The pallet leaving the ground

Figure 4-19. After blowing the pallet in place

Figure 4-20. Jumping from the pallet to the top ledge

Once you have made it onto the support pillar, you can then grenade (or rocket) jump [Hack #2] up to the top of the roof (see Figure 4-21). This method will allow you to move to the middle of the roof (see Figure 4-22).

Figure 4-21. Standing on the support pillar

Figure 4-22. Standing at the top of Foundation

Another method for getting onto the Foundation roof is to use the fan room. Once again, you need to enlist the help of a pallet. The hardest part of this maneuver is getting the pallet into place. Once you are ready, grenade jump to the ledge below the fan and then use another grenade jump to get up to the roof (see Figures 4-23, 4-24, and 4-25).

Getting on top of Foundation using the fan room doesn't allow you to run to the top of the roof. However, you can move around the outside of the map. In addition, you can have some fun walking in midair an invisible wall prevents you from falling down into the map (see Figure 4-26).

Figure 4-23. Using the fan room to get out

Figure 4-24. The grenade jump to the base of the fan

Figure 4-25. The grenade jump to the top of the fan

Figure 4-26. Standing on the invisible wall

Halo2 Hacks
Halo 2 Hacks: Tips & Tools for Finishing the Fight
ISBN: 0596100590
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 166

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