Chapter 2. Halo 2 Skulls

    Hacks 6 20: Introduction

    Hack 6.  Find Your First Skull

    Hack 7.  Fight the Elite of the Elites

    Hack 8.  Eliminate the HUD

    Hack 9.  Find the Most Difficult Skull.

    Hack 10.  Receive the Gift of Grenades

    Hack 11.  Throw a Grunt Birthday Party

    Hack 12.  Activate the Ammunition Handicap

    Hack 13.  Camouflage the Master Chief

    Hack 14.  Give All Enemies Active Camouflage

    Hack 15.  Make All Enemies Tougher

    Hack 16.  Change the Laws of Physics

    Hack 17.  Make the Grunts a Little Tougher

    Hack 18.  Teach Your Enemies to Take a Punch

    Hack 19.  Make Co-op Harder

    Hack 20.  Add a Twist to Your Shields

Halo2 Hacks
Halo 2 Hacks: Tips & Tools for Finishing the Fight
ISBN: 0596100590
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 166 © 2008-2017.
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