
managing it in government, business & communities
Chapter 18 - Using the Web for Enhancing Decision-Making: UN Project Failures in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA)
Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities
by Gerry Gingrich (ed) 
Idea Group Publishing 2003
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The administrative arrangements on a large project(s) are likely to be complex. The use of Internet, information openness, and effective communication can help ensure honest reporting. The aim of control procedures should be to enable the project management team to perform exactly what their commitments are for the completion of their work. It is important that the project plans are kept up-to-date, and that everyone concerned is kept informed about project changes.

From a project point of view, management have to ensure that adequate communication facilities are put in place and properly used. Communication problems cause project problems. Some of the more important communication problems relate to project organisation and discipline, the involvement of inexperienced managers, and also weaknesses in project management. Correcting the latter is the key to solving project failures.

The author suggests that the international aid organisations must assist in decisions on the way risks (large project failures) are reviewed, how new risk(s) will be identified, and on the level of necessary documents, and ensure that the results of all assessment are properly documented. The author suggests that when SSA proposes to undertake any investment for socio-economic development, it is wise to consider risk. The characteristics of a project make risk assessment not only necessary, but also a crucial feature of project planning.

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Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities
Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities
ISBN: 1931777403
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 188 © 2008-2017.
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