3.6 How Secure are the Network Infrastructure Components?

3.6 How Secure are the Network Infrastructure Components?

As many of us who have worked in the information security field know, security is usually assembled using many components, but its overall strength is only as good as its weakest link. Sometimes it does not matter if one is using the strongest encryption available over the network and the strongest authentication at the device. If there is a weak link anywhere along the chain, attackers will focus on this vulnerability and may eventually exploit it, choosing a path that requires the least effort and the least amount of resources.

Because the wireless Internet world is still relatively young and a work in progress, vulnerabilities abound, depending on the technology one has implemented. This chapter section focuses on some infrastructure vulnerabilities for those who are using WAP (Wireless Application Protocol).

3.6.1 The "Gap in WAP"

Encryption has been an invaluable tool in the world of E-commerce. Many online businesses use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) to provide end-to-end encryption to protect Internet transactions between the client and the Web server.

When using WAP, however, if encryption is activated for the session, there are usually two zones of encryption applied, each protecting the two different halves of the transmission. SSL or TLS is generally used to protect the first path, between the Web server and an important network device called the WAP gateway that was mentioned previously. WTLS (Wireless Transport Layer Security) is used to protect the second path, between the WAP gateway and the wireless mobile device.

The WAP gateway is an infrastructure component needed to convert wired signals into a less-bandwidth-intensive and compressed binary format, compatible for wireless transmissions. If encryption such as SSL is used during a session, the WAP gateway will need to translate the SSL-protected transmission by decrypting this SSL traffic and reencrypting it with WTLS, and vice versa in the other direction. This translation can take just a few seconds; but during this brief period, the data sits in the memory of the WAP gateway decrypted and in the clear before it is reencrypted using the second protocol. This brief period in the WAP gateway — some have called it the "gap in WAP" — is an exploitable vulnerability. How vulnerable one is depends on where the WAP gateway is located, how well it is secured, and who is in charge of protecting it.

Clearly, the WAP gateway should be placed in a secure environment. Otherwise, an intruder attempting to access the gateway can steal sensitive data while it transitions in clear text. The intruder also can sabotage the encryption at the gateway, or even initiate a denial-of-service or other malicious attack on this critical network component. In addition to securing the WAP gateway from unauthorized access, proper operating procedures also should be applied to enhance its security. For example, it is wise not to save any of the clear-text data to disk storage during the decryption and reencryption process. Saving this data to log files, for example, could create an unnecessarily tempting target for intruders. In addition, the decryption and reencryption should operate in memory only and proceed as quickly as possible. Furthermore, to prevent accidental disclosure, the memory should be properly overwritten, thereby purging any sensitive data before that memory is reused.

3.6.2 WAP Gateway Architectures

Depending on the sensitivity of the data and the liability for its unauthorized disclosure, businesses offering secure wireless applications (as well as their customers) may have concerns about where the WAP gateway is situated, how it is protected, and who is protecting it. Three possible architectures and their security implications are examined: (1) the WAP gateway at the service provider, (2) WAP gateway at the host, and (3) pass-through from service provider's WAP gateway to host's WAP proxy. WAP Gateway at the Service Provider

In most cases, the WAP gateways are owned and operated by the wireless service providers. Many businesses that deploy secure wireless applications today rely on the service provider's WAP gateway to perform the SSL-to-WTLS encryption translation. This implies that the business owners of the sensitive wireless applications, as well as their users, are entrusting the wireless service providers to keep the WAP gateway and the sensitive data that passes through it safe and secure. Figure 3.1 provides an example of such a setup, where the WAP gateway resides within the service provider's secure environment. If encryption is applied in a session between the user's cell phone and the application server behind the business' firewall, the path between the cell phone and the service provider's WAP gateway is typically encrypted using WTLS. The path between the WAP gateway and the business host's application server is encrypted using SSL or TLS.

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Figure 3.1: WAP gateway at the service provider.

A business deploying secure WAP applications using this setup should realize, however, that it cannot guarantee end-to-end security for the data because it is decrypted, exposed in clear text for a brief moment, and then reencrypted, all at an external gateway, away from the business' control. The WAP gateway is generally housed in the wireless service provider's data center and attended by those who are not directly accountable to the businesses. Of course, it is in the best interest of the service provider to maintain the WAP gateway in a secure manner and location.

Sometimes, to help reinforce that trust, businesses may wish to conduct periodic security audits on the service provider's operation of the WAP gateways to ensure that the risks are minimized. Bear in mind, however, that by choosing this path, the business may need to inspect many WAP gateways from many different service providers. A service provider sets up the WAP gateway primarily to provide Internet access to its own wireless phone subscribers. If users are dialing into a business' secure Web site, for example, from 20 different wireless service providers around the world, then the business may need to audit the WAP gateways belonging to these 20 providers. This, unfortunately, is a formidable task and an impractical method of ensuring security. Each service provider might apply a different method for protecting its own WAP gateway, if protected at all. Furthermore, in many cases the wireless service providers are accountable to their own cell phone subscribers, not necessarily to the countless businesses that are hosting secure Internet applications, unless there is a contractual arrangement to do so. WAP Gateway at the Host

Some businesses and organizations, particularly in the financial, healthcare, and government sectors, may have legal requirements to keep their customers' sensitive data protected. Having such sensitive data exposed outside the organization's internal control may pose an unnecessary risk and liability. To some, the "gap in WAP" presents a broken pipeline, an obvious breach of confidentiality that is just waiting to be exploited. For those who find such a breach unacceptable, one possible solution is to place the WAP gateway at the business host's own protected network, bypassing the wireless service provider's WAP gateway entirely. Figure 3.2 provides an example of such a setup. Nokia, Ericsson, and Ariel Communications are just a few of the vendors offering such a solution.

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Figure 3.2: WAP gateway at the host.

This approach has the benefit of keeping the WAP gateway and its WTLS-SSL translation process in a trusted location, within the confines of the same organization that is providing the secure Web applications. Using this setup, users are typically dialing directly from their wireless devices, through their service provider's public switched telephone network (PSTN), and into the business' own remote access servers (RAS). Once they reach the RAS, the transmission continues onto the WAP gateway, and then onward to the application or Web server, all of these devices within the business host's own secure environment.

Although it provides better end-to-end security, the drawback to this approach is that the business host will need to set up banks of modems and RAS so users have enough access points to dial in. The business also will need to reconfigure the users' cell phones and PDAs to point directly to the business' own WAP gateway instead of (typically) to the service provider's. However, not all cell phones allow this reconfiguration by the user. Furthermore, some cell phones can point to only one WAP gateway, while others are fortunate enough to point to more than one. In either case, individually reconfiguring all those wireless devices to point to the business' own WAP gateway may take significant time and effort.

For users whose cell phones can point to only a single WAP gateway, this reconfiguration introduces yet another issue. If these users now want to access other WAP sites across the Internet, they still must go through the business host's WAP gateway first. If the host allows outgoing traffic to the Internet, the host then becomes an Internet service provider (ISP) to these users who are newly configured to point to the host's own WAP gateway. Acting as a makeshift ISP, the host will inevitably need to attend to service- and user-related issues, which too many businesses can be an unwanted burden because of the significant resources required. Pass-Through from Service Provider's WAP Gateway to Host's WAP Proxy

For businesses that want to provide secure end-to-end encrypted transactions and to avoid the administrative headaches of setting up their own WAP gateways, there are other approaches. One such approach, as shown in Figure 3.3, is to keep the WTLS-encrypted data unchanged as it goes from the user's mobile device and through the service provider's WAP gateway. The WTLS-SSL encryption translation will not occur until the encrypted data reaches a second WAP gateway-like device residing within the business host's own secure network. One vendor developing such a solution is Openwave Systems (a combination of Phone.com and Software.com). Openwave calls this second WAP gateway-like device the Secure Enterprise Proxy. During an encrypted session, the service provider's WAP gateway and the business' Secure Enterprise Proxy negotiate with each other, so that the service provider essentially passes the encrypted data unchanged to the business that is using this proxy. This solution utilizes the service provider's WAP gateway because it is still needed to provide proper Internet access for the mobile users, but it does not perform the WTLS-SSL encryption translation there and thus is not exposing confidential data. The decryption is passed on and occurs instead within the confines of the business' own secure network, either at the Secure Enterprise Proxy or at the application server.

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Figure 3.3: Pass-through from service provider's WAP gateway to host's WAP proxy.

One drawback to this approach, however, is its proprietary nature. At the time of this writing, to make the Openwave solution work, three parties would need to implement components exclusively from Openwave. The wireless service providers would need to use Openwave's latest WAP gateway. Likewise, the business hosting the secure applications would need to use Openwave's Secure Enterprise Proxy to negotiate the encryption pass-through with that gateway. In addition, the mobile devices themselves would need to use Openwave's latest Web browser, at least Micro Browser version 5. Although approximately 70 percent of WAP-enabled phones throughout the world are using some version of Openwave Micro Browser, most of these phones are using either version 3 or 4. Unfortunately, most of these existing browsers are not upgradable by the user, so most users may need to buy new cell phones to incorporate this solution. It may take some time before this solution comes to fruition and becomes popular.

These are not the only solutions for providing end-to-end encryption for wireless Internet devices. Other methods in the works include applying encryption at the applications level, adding encryption keys and algorithms to cell phone SIM cards, and adding stronger encryption techniques to the next revisions of the WAP specifications, perhaps eliminating the "gap in WAP" entirely.

Wireless Internet Handbook. Technologies, Standards and Applications
Wireless Internet Handbook: Technologies, Standards, and Applications (Internet and Communications)
ISBN: 0849315026
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 239

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