How Will You Market Your Business and Your Product or Service?

What are your plans for marketing your business? Are they realistic and based upon your proposed marketing budget in your financials? What is your overall marketing strategy? How will your choice of marketing vehicle help you reach your target market? What advertising media will you use? Print? TV? Radio? The Internet? Some combination of these? Will you use direct mail or telemarketing to reach potential customers? How will you use public relations in your marketing mix? Will you also include trade shows, seminars, and workshops in your marketing plan? How will you use them? Where and when?

How your business plan answers these questions is critical to the success of your company.

Succeeding At Your Yahoo! Business
Succeeding At Your Yahoo! Business
ISBN: 0789735342
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 208 © 2008-2017.
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