
What We've Learned

In this chapter on the Broken Dispatch bug pattern we've learned the following:

  • Broken Dispatch can be described as follows: (1) The arguments to an overloaded method (method1) are passed to another method (method2) that takes more general types; (2) method2 invokes method1 with these arguments; (3) Because the static types of these arguments inside the scope of method2 are more general, the wrong version of method1 might be invoked.

  • Broken Dispatch errors can be difficult to diagnose because they can be introduced simply by adding new methods. Also, program execution may continue for some time before problems are discovered.

  • In a test-laden environment, the most common symptom will be a test case for code you haven't touched that suddenly breaks. If the test case breaks immediately after you overload another method, this bug pattern is almost certainly the culprit.

  • The most straightforward cure for this bug is to upcast the arguments in the method invocation. A good preventative measure is to avoid overloading methods.

Remember, argument structure is a key component to assuring that when you overload or override a method, the call invokes the intended method.

In Chapter 15, we'll discuss the Impostor Type and the problems that occur when tags in fields—intended to distinguish object types—mislabel the associated data.

Bug Patterns in Java
Bug Patterns In Java
ISBN: 1590590619
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 95
Authors: Eric Allen

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