

lag(7) reference page, 240

LAN-based interconnect, 46, 47, 89, 98-100

cluster information, 100

cluster IP names/addresses, 100

comparison, 48, 101

configuration output using, 268-69

hardware configuration, 99

hardware requirements, 98

illustrated, 98

information for cluster creation, 99–100

maximum distances, 48

Memory Channel vs., 101

migration from Memory Channel to, 663-65

migration to Memory Channel from, 665-66

new member addition and, 288-89

as private network, 47

role, 46-47

system file updates with, 292

for two-node cluster, 99

using, as cluster interconnect, 263– 64

See also Cluster interconnect (CI)

License Management Facility (LMF)

PAK, 128

resetting, 767

License Product Authorization Keys (License

PAKs), 106

active, 767


for configuration, 132

installation methods, 143

installing, 298-99

loading, 250-51

LSM-OA, 365

new cluster member, 289-90

OSF-BASE, 134, 137

saving, 630

Licensing requirements, 106

Link Aggregation (LAG), 49, 240-43, 325

advantage, 52

defined, 240

group configuration, 241-43

Tru64 UNIX configuration option, 52

lmf(8) command, 251, 298

lmfsetup(8) command, 250, 298

ln(1) command, 158

Load balancing, 348-51

application resource, options, 701

automatic, 350-51

CFS servers, 623-26

manual, 348-49

resources, 700-707

on semi-shared bus, 412


available types, 555-56

database, 28, 558

master, 558

NFS, 608-9

requests, 557-58

simple, 20

Logical block number (LBN), 500

Logical Storage Manager (LSM), 31, 121, 786

adding cluster-common disk(s) to, 388

administrative commands and

daemons, 374

architecture, 360-64

Bottom-Up commands, 372-73

commands, 371-74

components, 360

configuration shared by members, 366

configuring, in clusters, 368-70

defined, 31

deporting disk group from, 376, 378

in design decision, 53-54

disadvantages, 54

disk groups, 366, 374-81

dn_setup command and, 402

function of, 359

GUI and menu-based programs, 373

informational commands, 373

interfaces, 371

introduction, 359-64

migration commands, 375

migration or encapsulation, 381-401

migration or encapsulation decision

tree, 383

mirroring file systems with, 247

mirroring storage with, 54

need for, 364-65

object relationship, 361

physical disk, 362

plex, 362-64

relationships, 31

subdisk, 362

support, 31

Top-Down commands, 372

volume, 364

work approaches, 371

See also LSM volumes

Log plexes

adding, 388, 391

defined, 364

removing, 390

See also Plexes

lpd(8) command, 594

lpd.lock file, 594

lprsetup(8) command, 592

ls(1) command, 369

LSM volumes

boot_partition and, 367

cluster_root domain and, 367

cnx partition and, 367

defined, 364

device nodes, rebuilding, 376, 378

migrating AdvFS domains to, 381, 383-86

mirroring, 388

removing, 398

See also Logical Storage Manager


TruCluster Server Handbook
TruCluster Server Handbook (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555582591
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 273 © 2008-2017.
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