

RAR (Resource Adaptor Archive) file, 187

Read-committed isolation level, 107

Read-only CandidateClass property, 39

Read-only Closed property (persistence manager), 78

Read-only PersistenceManager property, 39, 48, 110–111

Read-only PersistenceManagerFactory property, 78

Read-only property, converting to read-write, 313

Read-uncommitted isolation level, 106

Recycling objects, 338

Reference implementation

downloading, 273–274

replacing, 362–363

Reflection, enhancement and, 156–157

refresh all command, 297

refresh methods, 90, 94–95, 127–129

refreshAll method, 95

Related compound keys, 29–30

Related data classes, application identity in, 30–31

Relational tables, for Library app classes, 66–67

Remote deployment, enhancement and, 157–158

RemoteException, in throws clause, 370

remove method, 370

RemoveException, 218

Rental applications (Learning Tools), 269

Rental enterprise app

application data classes, 371–372

building, 365–367

configuring, 361–365

design of, 367–373

reservation service, 369–371

ReservationServlet, 372

using, 367

rental-gui ant target, 301, 325, 365

Rental prototype class, 313, 398

rental-servlet-ejb build target, 364–366

rental-servlet-opr ant target, 324, 365

Rental Swing app, 301–319

application data classes, 311–313

application data model, 316–318

application data service, 314–316

building, 301–302

Customer class, 311

designing, 310–319

exception-handling, 262–266

Lighthouse class, 312–313

overall architecture of, 318–319

Rental class, 313

requirements for, 302–306

reservation system queries, 315–316

ReservationService class, 315–316

transaction design choices, 314–315

use cases, 302–306

using with rental Web app, 354

Week class, 312

Rental Web app, 321–358

building, 323–325

change customer button, 326

continue button, 331

error page, 331

MVC pattern in, 333–334, 401

submit reservation changes button, 327, 330

using, 325–331

using with rental Swing app, 354

Rental Web client, conflicting reservations in, 328–331

Rental Web page

Jim is changing reservations, 329

Mary is changing reservations, 330

recovering from an error, 331

when customer is Jim, 327

when customer is unknown, 326

Repeatable-read isolation level, 107

Request and model state mismatch, 344

ReservationClient executable classes, 302

ReservationClientModel class, 317, 319, 400

ReservationModel class, 342, 344

ReservationService class, 315–316, 344

class diagram of, 315, 399

flipReservations method, 346–349

obtaining, 341–342


classes and interfaces, 368–369

deployed, 368, 402

design of, 367–369

ReservationServiceLocator, 369

get method, 370

release method, 370

ReservationServlet, 341, 372

Resource adaptor, 187

ResourceException, 219

respond method (EJBHelper class), 209, 219

respond method (Web service), 343, 345–346

RestoreValues property (Transaction interface), 9, 230, 237–238, 310

JDO state transitions and, 124–125, 130–133, 135

state transitions when false, 130–131

state transitions when strong, 131–132

state transitions when weak, 132–133

strong support for, 117–119

true and strong, 119

true and weak, 119

weak vs. strong support for, 116–117

weak support for, 117

Results collection (queries), 46–47

RetainValues property (Transaction interface), 9, 18, 114, 237–238, 308, 341

setting to true or false, 115–116

state transitions and, 124–125, 129–133, 135

state transitions when false, 129

state transitions when true, 130

retrieve methods (PersistenceManager interface), 90–92

Reuse within a transaction, 139

Reusing objects, 338

rollback command, 286

rollback method (Transaction interface), 109–110, 131–132

Rolling back a transaction, 4, 104, 109–110, 131–132, 145, 286

runMegaCups.bat file, 281

runQuoteServer.bat file, 375

runRentalGui.bat file, 302, 306, 325

runTestFactory.bat file, 279

runTestJDOHelper.bat file, 277

RuntimeException, 207, 249–250

Using and Understanding Java Data Objects
Using and Understanding Java Data Objects
ISBN: 1590590430
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 156
Authors: David Ezzio © 2008-2017.
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