Extending the Radar Lessons

Extending the Radar Lessons

Action Items for extending the radar

         Action Item #1: Set clear objectives and ensure buy-in for the emerging technology radar process.

         Action Item #2: Put a business process in place to extend your current radar.

         Action Item #3: Prioritize emerging and disruptive technologies in the context of your business objectives.

         Action Item #4: Look for ways to embed emerging and disruptive technologies into current initiatives.

         Action Item #5: Combine emerging and disruptive technologies holistically.

         Action Item #6: Apply emerging technologies to operate the radar itself.

         Action Item #7: Continually monitor and adjust the emerging technology radar process.


Business Innovation and Disruptive Technology. Harnessing the Power of Breakthrough Technology. for Competitive Advantage
Business Innovation and Disruptive Technology: Harnessing the Power of Breakthrough Technology ...for Competitive Advantage
ISBN: 0130473979
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 81

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