
 < Day Day Up > 

In this chapter you expanded your knowledge of ColdFusion variables. You learned how to pass variables in a URL and how that technique makes it easy to build the drill-down display pages common in many product catalogs, shopping carts, and general information sites. You also learned to use the <cfset> tag, which enables you to define variables within the context of your ColdFusion templates manually.

You also learned about one of ColdFusion's complex variable types, the list variable. Unlike standard variables, list variables can hold more than one chunk of data, and you learned how to use this capability to handle form data. You also learned how list variables are often used in conjunction with the <cfloop> to peform one or more tasks for each element in a list. To illustrate this concept, you constructed a keyword search engine that searches a database for one or more user keywords, one at a time.

 < Day Day Up > 

Macromedia Studio MX Bible
Macromedia Studio MX Bible
ISBN: 0764525239
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 491 © 2008-2017.
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