

Leadbeater, Charles, 39–40, 48

Leadership, 52, 76, 95–8

facilitative, 53–4, 85

HR competencies, 33

selecting and developing leaders, 98–9

Learning, 87, 100, 113–18, 148–9

Apprenticeship Model, 117

benchmarking activities, 134–5

borrowing from outside specialists, 135

coaching culture, 126–7

KPMG case study, 131–2

communities of practice, 121–2, 153–8

corporate universities, 132–4

development of HR competencies, 35–7

encouragement and support for informal learning, 73, 100–1

English Nature case study, 225–6

evaluation, 230–1

beyond implementation, 236–7

delivery, 235–6

identification of learning needs, 234

programme design, 235

facilitation of experimentation and play, 124–5

learning environment, 176

manuals/online learning, 118

motivational factors, 140–1, 147

opportunities for learning through everyday practice, 118–21, 145

cross-boundary team working, 120–1

informal meetings and conversations, 119–20

team meetings, 118–19

physical environment and, 122

informal thinking and learning spaces, 122–4

questions to facilitate transformative learning, 213–14

reflection, 126–7, 144–5

self-managed learning, 108

social perspective on, 149–50

strategies of HR professionals, 141–7

critical reflection, 144–5

explicit knowledge-generating activities, 143–4

networking, 143

non-work-related projects/activities, 144

observing other professionals at work, 142–3

specific work assignments, 142

styles, 146

throughout the project management cycle, 121

virtual observation, 117

volunteering, 135–8, 146

See also Training and development

Learning set model, 143

Learning Time scheme, 173

Learning-centric organisation, 51–3

Life-cycle Interviews, 193

Lines, David, 127

Loh, A.Y.E., 43

Managing the Knowledge - HR's Strategic Role
Managing for Knowledge: HRs Strategic Role
ISBN: 0750655666
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 175 © 2008-2017.
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