Getting Started

We are lucky to live during one of the most exciting periods in the music production industry. Just a few short years ago, you would need a studio filled with synthesizers, hardware effects processors, mixing consoles, and expensive multi-track tape machines to accomplish what you now can do in a small, project-based environment with a computer, an audio interface, and the right software. It's a good time to be a musician.

Apple Pro Training Series: Advanced Logic Pro 7 is intended to show experienced composers, arrangers, and producers how to expand and enhance their skills by working with real projects in real-world scenarios. You'll learn how to increase the efficiency of your production workflow, accelerate editing tasks, and create and manage multiple takes effectively. You'll work on refining your mixing techniques, manipulating tempo and pitch, creating notated parts and scores, and scoring for video and film. You'll discover powerful techniques for multi-track recording and explore the limitless potential of Logic's audio instruments.

Whether you're tweaking a song structure, applying effects processing, or editing audio and MIDI tracks, this book will give you the insider tips that will make your time with Logic Pro 7 more productive and more creative.

Apple Pro Training Series Advanced Logic Pro 7
Apple Pro Training Series: Advanced Logic Pro 7
ISBN: 0321256077
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 166
Authors: David Dvorin © 2008-2017.
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