General Guidelines

  • Please read the whole lab before you start.

  • Do not configure any static/default or policy routes unless otherwise specified.

  • Use only the DLCIs and ATM PVCs provided in the appropriate figures.

  • Ensure full IP visibility between routers for ping testing/Telnet access to your devices with exception to VLAN1 and R2 Loopback0 as these will not be visible to the majority of your network.

  • Take a 30-minute break midway through the exercise.

  • Have available a Cisco Documentation CD-ROM or access online the latest documentation from the following URL:


Consider accessing only the preceding URL, not the entire website. If you will be allowed to use documentation during your CCIE lab exam, it will be restricted.

CCIE Routing and Switching Practice Labs
CCIE Routing and Switching Practice Labs
ISBN: 1587051478
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 268 © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: