

Daimler Chrysler, 101

Death, 167, 170, 176, 177

Decision-making process, reflection on, 88, 89

Defeatism, 77, 208

Dell, 3, 29, 40, 190, 195

Denial: in acquisition-or-merger passage, 122

of failures, 26

in first-time leader passage, 52

in personal upheaval passage, 168, 173, 174, 176

about work-family balance realities, 149–150, 152

Derailers: analysis of one’s, 115

bad bosses as, 17–18, 95, 103

as causes of failure, 88

coping with others’, 95, 103

in general manager position, 71

identifying and curtailing, 198–199

during passage of being fired or passed over, 111–114

Detachment, 211–212

Developing others: as general manager responsibility, 72, 75

as legacy, 164–166, 214

Developmental paradox, 192–194

Diageo, 142

Dilemmas, managing, 53. See also Paradox

Dimon, J., 108

Disability. See Illness or disability

Disappointments, in joining-a-company passage, 35

Discussion, of personal passages:

discouragement for, 12–13, 167–168

involving failure, 88–89

involving personal upheaval, 167–168, 172–174

by men versus women, 172–173, 208

Disillusionment, 180–182. See also Losing-faith-in-the-system passage

Disney, 101

Disney World, 138

Distrust: of bad boss or coworker, 95, 106

hiding feelings as cause of, 13, 174

Diversity: general manager role and, 72–73

international assignments and, 132–143

in leaders, 197

learning from, as leadership development, 14–17

of life experiences, 9, 17

risk taking and seeking, 82, 83

of work experiences, 9, 17

Divorce, 119, 131, 132, 167, 169, 175–176, 177

Dot-com bubble, 180

Dotlich, D. L., 5, 42, 69, 88

Downsizing, 113, 126

DreamWorks SKG, 108

Drexler, M., 202

Drotter, S., 27, 28

Du Pont, 85

Dual ladders, 50

Dysfunctional executives, 198–199. See also Bad bosses

Leadership Passages. The Personal and Professional Transitions That Make or Break a Leader
Leadership Passages: The Personal and Professional Transitions That Make or Break a Leader (J-B US non-Franchise Leadership)
ISBN: 0787974277
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 121 © 2008-2017.
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