5 - Controlling Shape Geometry with Formulas

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When you design a shape, you must decide how it will respond to a user action such as resizing or repositioning the shape. Microsoft Visio records the location of each shape vertex within the shape's coordinate space. These vertices, and the paths that connect them, define the shape's geometry. By writing formulas to control shape geometry, you determine how a shape looks and behaves in response to user actions.

This chapter defines shape geometry, describes how to control how shapes stretch, shrink, flip, and rotate, and describes how to control curves in shapes. It also offers suggestions for optimizing shape geometry and using locks to restrict what a user can do to a shape.

Developing Microsoft Visio Solutions 2001
Developing Microsoft Visio Solutions (Pro-Documentation)
ISBN: 0735613532
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 180

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