The HELD BEEP Protocol Binding

The HTTP binding for HELD is constrained to a single request-response exchange. If a particular location recipient requires location information over time, or for multiple targets, a more permanent association could provide benefits. HTTP pipelining permits the queuing of requests on a single connection, but this suffers from head-of-queue blocking and is limited in its flexibility. BEEP provides a protocol framework that is based on an established TCP (orTLS) connection between two hosts that can be reused. BEEP also includes message identifiers, which means that multiple requests can be interleaved and processed independently.

The HELD BEEP binding is limited to trusted party queries from nodes such as proxy servers and call routing functions. This is because it does not support queries to location URIs; there is no generic BEEP URI type, and no HELD-BEEP-specific URI type has been defined.

To ensure confidentiality, connections should be established using TLS with mutual authentication. The following cipher suites are recommended: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_ 256_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA.

The MIME types of requests and responses are the same as for the HTTP binding. The function served by the HTTP Expires header is replicated by an identical entity-header that is included with a BEEP frame.

The HELD BEEP binding does not include a default request. All requests must include XML content.

The HELD profile is identified by the URN: 

Following the guidelines of Reference 4, Table D.1 summarizes the HELD profile.

Table D.1: The Held Beep Profile Summary

Registration Item


Profile Identification

Messages exchanged during Channel Creation


Messages starting one-to-one exchanges

held:locationRequest, held:createContext, held: updateContext

Messages in positive replies

pidf:presence, held:contextResponse

Messages in negative replies


Messages in one-to-many exchanges


Message syntax

See Reference 5 and Appendix B.

Message semantics

See Reference 5.

Contact information

The authors of this book.

IP Location
IP Location
ISBN: 0072263776
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 129 © 2008-2017.
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