Is this book for Mac or Windows, or both?

This book is for anyone that owns Illustrator: any platform, any version. Yes, if you run Illustrator 88 on your Mac SE, you can benefit from the seven tips that relate to your version. Of course, if you are using Illustrator CS2 on OS X or Windows, then all of these tips will be of interest to you. For each tip that includes a keyboard command, we give you both the Macintosh and Windows version of the shortcut. Sorry, but due to space constraints we had to cut the Amiga keyboard shortcuts from each tip. Maybe next time.

Illustrator(r) CS2 Killer Tips
Illustrator CS2 Killer Tips
ISBN: 032133065X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 473 © 2008-2017.
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