Exercise 10 ( Chapter 16 )

Exercise 10 (Chapter 16)


For the above XTrack story, assume we've defined the following high-level acceptance tests in release planning. We know this isn't complete; it's just enough to illustrate the ideas (see Table 16.4).

Table 16.4. Test data for Exercise 10



Expected Result

1. Add a new task

Valid values for the task fields

Success: the task is added

2. Add a new task

Invalid values for task fields

Failure: invalid fields message

Also assume we've come up with the following additional information while planning and beginning the first iteration:

  • Users must be logged in to add, update, or delete tasks.

  • The name and description fields are required.

  • State has a fixed list of values: Not Started, Started, Completed.

  • Estimate and actual time spent must be numeric.

Write these as an executable test in the style illustrated in the two examples in this chapter.


 // got to be logged in  login("bob","bobspassword") // Add a new task with valid values   it succeeds assertTrue( addTask( "User Gui",         // name                      "Create GUI",       // description                      "Bob",              // assignee                      "2",                // estimate                      "3",                // actual                      "Not Started" ) );  // state assertTrue( addTask( "User Gui",                   // name                      "Create GUI",             // description                      "Bob",               // assignee                      "2",               // estimate                      "3",               // actual                      "Started" ) );            // state assertTrue( addTask( "User Gui",                   // name                      "Create GUI",             // description                      "Bob",               // assignee                      "2",               // estimate                      "3",               // actual                      "Complete" ) );            // state // add task with invalid values   it fails assertFalse( addTask( "",                // name - missing                      "",             // description - missing                      "Bob",            // assignee                      "long time",   // estimate  not numeric                      "longer",         // actual   not numeric                      "Ohio" ) );         // state   invalid 

addTask() adds a task using the specified values and returns true if the task was added and false if it failed.

Testing Extreme Programming
Testing Extreme Programming
ISBN: 0321113551
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 238

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