

sample files in online help, 289


changes, 19–22, 20–21

sessions, 50

user preferences, 24–26

scaling printing, 153

scheduled update downloads, 165

SciTE program, 69–70, 70

scope of virtual devices, 45–46, 46–47

screen data, 148–151

ScreenTips, 86, 86

screw-off bottle caps, 172

scrollbars, 6–8, 7


in drag and drop systems, 128

in PDF documents, 260

searching for usability bugs, 271–272

second-system effect, 317

self-scan machines, 85

selling libraries, 212


software, saving and loading, 50


preparing for, 297–298

running, 299–300

SetCapture function, 129

severity levels in testing, 268–269

sharing resources, 225–227

ShellExecute function, 115

shoptalk, 146–148

shortcuts, keyboard, 26–27

configurable, 28–30

for dialog boxes, 27, 83–84

to menus, 121–122

standard, 27–28

for windows navigation, 76

Show function, 79–82

showstoppers, 268–271

ShowWindow function, 195

shutdown, 198


in navigation, 119

in reports, 147

size of fonts, 89, 89

slashes (/) for command-line options, 194

sleep statement, 179–181

slides in training sessions, 298

SNMP protocol, 318

Software key, 25

software libraries. See libraries

sound devices, 51–52


AutoCorrect feature for, 257

in reports, 145–148

spice packets, 168

split-paned windows, 71–73, 71, 73

splitter controls, 71–72, 71

stage fright, 300

Standard Controls dialog box, 15, 15

standard keyboard shortcuts, 27–28


for businesses, 259–260

for cowboy programmers, 307

vs. features, 318


accepting and opening files in, 196–198

command-line arguments in, 193–194

minimizing time for, 192–193

multiple instances in, 195–196

programs run upon, 183–184

states in complexity, 311–312

static libraries

creating, 227

vs. dynamic, 210–212

status bars, 90, 90

STC Usability group, 322

storing file versions, 167

Streets and Trips program, 284

strong-named assemblies, 219

stuntman programmers, 307–308

styles in Word, 41–42

Sustainable Computing Consortium, 248

symbolic links in versioning system, 221


in dynamic libraries, 228

for idioms, 10

in menus, 124–125, 124

synchronizing data, 166–167

synthesizers, music, 42

system administrators, OOP for, 241–242

system directory, 178–179

system path for libraries, 224

Designing Highly Useable Software
Designing Highly Useable Software
ISBN: 0782143016
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 114 © 2008-2017.
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