
Applied Software Engineering with Apache Jakarta Commons is a software engineering based guide to the Apache Jakarta Commons components (e.g., Betwixt, Digester, Discovery, Collections), other Apache projects such as Ant, the Axis Web Service toolkit, and the popular JUnit framework. The book emphasis focuses on solutions to complex problems using a simple task-driven approach. In this task-driven approach, the idea is to define a generic problem, for example Java class instantiation, and then provide solutions in multiple contexts, such as Collections-based factories, the Discovery package, or even the Launcher package.

Key Features

  • Utilizes Apache Jakarta and Open Source technologies to create commercial-quality business applications
  • The solutions are based on components from the Jakarta Commons toolkits and provide realistic, proven, robust solutions already used by other applications
  • Source code is available using a liberal license, meaning that components can be tweaked and integrated into other projects
  • Components are self contained and can be integrated into other Java projects such as J2EE without major integration problems

About the Author

Christian Gross has over a decade of experience as a software engineer and consultant in the software development industry. His specialty is in the development of applications that are network dependent (e.g., client/server, distributed precessing, Web services, Internet technologies). He is a regular conference speaker at Software Development and ApacheCon and has co- authored books for Wrox and Apress.

Applied Software Engineering Using Apache Jakarta Commons
Applied Software Engineering Using Apache Jakarta Commons (Charles River Media Computer Engineering)
ISBN: 1584502460
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 109 © 2008-2017.
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