

This reference implementation successfully illustrates the OGSI implementation in .NET platforms. There are a number of issues that still need to be addressed at this time, including security, scalability, and interoperability between GT3 and OGSI.NET. Most of these are platform dependent and will become mature with .NET. Adopting WSE for most of the standard SOAP header processing will alleviate the system architecture from a number of these complexities.

We are assuming that adapting a document/literal approach can solve most of the interoperability issues with regard to the message exchange topic. This reference implementation will indeed be a beneficial addition for Grid Computing applications using .NET as their core platform.

Grid Computing (IBM Press On Demand Series)
Windows Vista(TM) Plain & Simple (Bpg-Plain & Simple)
ISBN: 131456601
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 118 © 2008-2017.
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