
 < Day Day Up > 



bind equivalent, 266

broadcast (UDP) client code patterns, 418–419

CD-ROM companion software, 410

connect equivalent, 266

core socket commands, 262

creating, destroying, and connecting sockets, 263–266

datagram (UDP) server/client code patterns, 413–415

datagram sockets, 267–269

dp_accept command, 266–267

dp_netinfo command, 270–271

event notification, 271–272

interpreter/tools used, 261

listen equivalent, 266

multicast server/client code patterns, 415–418

networking API, 261–262

origins and heritage, 260

references and resources, 273

select method and fileevent command, 271–272

simple HTTP server code patterns, 419–424

simple SMTP client code patterns, 424–427

socket addresses, 266

socket options, 269–2703

sockets I/O, 267–269

stream (TCP) server/client code patterns, 410–413

stream sockets, 267–269

Tcl Core Team (TCT), 260

Tcl-DP sockets commands, 262

where to download tools, 261

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

data framing, 116–120, 147–149

described 10–11

IPPROTO_TCP options, 67–68, 80, 90–93

Perl server, 232–233

Python server, 209–210

Ruby server, 254–256

socket buffer sizes, 131–132

stream server/client

C language, 290–294

Java, 316–320

Perl, 366–369

Python, 344–347

Ruby, 388–391

Tcl, 410–413

TCP_KEEPALIVE option, 90–91

TCP_MAXRT option, 90, 91

TCP_MAXSEG option, 90, 92–93

TCP_NODELAY option, 90, 91–92, 133–135, 138

three-way handshake, 44, 49

UDP vs., 140

TCPServer class methods (Ruby), 243

Telnet and port scanning, 113–116

Threads and sockets, 28


read/write events, 63–64, 121–122

socket connections, 113–116

Sockets layer option, 81, 88

TOS (Type-Of-Service) field, 94, 96–97

Transport layer

communication via, 5–6, 9–12

packet processing in network stack, 13–15

Treck stack, Elmic Systems, 139

TTL (Time-To-Live) field, 94, 97–98, 100–101

 < Day Day Up > 

BSD Sockets Programming from a Multi-Language Perspective
Network Programming for Microsoft Windows , Second Edition (Microsoft Programming Series)
ISBN: 1584502681
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 225
Authors: Jim Ohlund © 2008-2017.
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