
Web response beats phone, mail, email, and fax in

  • Reduction in cost of fulfillment

  • Data captured along with the sale

  • Immediacy of response information

  • Personalization and speed of response

  • Accuracy of the data captured

Web response involves the creation of a special microsite where customers can be recognized and greeted by name, using a PIN or a cookie.

Direct-mail promotions usually get better response rates than email promotions, but the cost per response may be higher.

The Isuzu case showed that models can correctly predict which business customers are most likely to respond and which probably won’t.

The Scotiabank Applause program shows that internal Web programs can be highly effective in reaching employees and obtaining employee participation, even with a mature group.

The KnowledgeBase program showed that long-distance customers will respond productively to an online program, saving the cost of phone response.

The Customer Loyalty Solution. What Works (and What Doesn't in Customer Loyalty Programs)
The Customer Loyalty Solution : What Works (and What Doesnt) in Customer Loyalty Programs
ISBN: 0071363661
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 226 © 2008-2017.
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