
In this chapter, we focused on the construction of a rather "cool" application for the Oakbridge Community Centrea fully interactive meeting room with chat, video, and audio capabilities.

Before we got into that, we took a moment to reflect on the implications of a transparent technology that makes human-to-human interaction possible. We discussed the real competitive advantage of the Flash/Flash Communication Server combination and concluded that the money saved by the client in development costs was significant. Even then, we suggested that HTML and CSS are other approaches and that you should use the technology best suited to the task at hand.

It isn't just the developer community that is quick to grasp the implications of this technology. In Jordan's "Epiphany," we watched as the owners of a small video production company immediately grasp the promise of the technology and the technical requirements needed to deploy it for their clients .

We then reviewed how the meeting room will work, discussed the technical requirements of the task, and built a meeting room for the Oakbridge Community Center using the Communications Components and other components that come packaged with the application.

This completes the construction phase of the dynamic site in the book's title. The next step of the processdebugging and testingis the subject of the following chapter.

Building Dynamic Websites with Macromedia Studio MX 2004
Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX 2004
ISBN: 0735713766
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 158 © 2008-2017.
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