Book Resources

graphics/arrow.gif Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit . Microsoft Press, January, 2000. ISBN: 1-57231-805-8. This book and CD set include invaluable detailed documentation on Windows 2000. In addition, the CD includes many useful utilities.

graphics/arrow.gif Boswell, William. Inside Windows 2000 Server . New Riders, December, 1999. ISBN: 1-56205-929-7. This is an excellent guide for installation and general administration.

graphics/arrow.gif Minasi, Mark, et al. Mastering Windows 2000 Server , fourth edition. Sybex, February, 2000. ISBN: 0-78214-043-2. This book is written by NT Magazine columnist Mark Minasi and is full of excellent information.

graphics/arrow.gif Russell, Charlie, et al. Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Administrator's Companion, Second Edition . Microsoft Press, August, 2002. ISBN: 0-73561-785-6. This book details many of the complex features and capabilities of Windows 2000 Server. It's a great handbook for any network administrator.

graphics/arrow.gif Shilmover, Barry and Stu Sjouwerman. Windows 2000 Power Toolkit . New Riders, May, 2001. ISBN: 0-7357-1061-9. This book is a valuable resource for reference material on Windows security and policies.

graphics/arrow.gif Siyan, Karajit. Windows 2000 Server Professional Reference . New Riders, January, 2000. ISBN: 0-7357-0952-1. The book has more than 1,800 pages of detailed information on using Windows 2000 Server.

graphics/arrow.gif Stanek, William R. Windows 2000 Administrator's Pocket Consultant . Microsoft Press, January, 2000. ISBN: 0-73560-831-8. This book is a detailed hands-on guide for professional Windows 2000 administrators.

graphics/arrow.gif Tittel, Ed, et al. Windows 2000 Server for Dummies . Wiley & Sons, April, 2000. ISBN: 0-76450-341-3. This is an excellent beginners resource for Windows 2000 Server.

Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure Exam Cram 2 (Exam 70-216)
MCSE Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 70-216)
ISBN: 078972863X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 167 © 2008-2017.
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