Module 1 Mastery Check

  1. Which pairs of the following words mean the same thing: row, field, key, record, index, column ?

  2. What is the distinguishing feature of a relational database?

  3. Is open source software always free of cost?

  4. What are the seven criteria you should use to evaluate operating systems?

  5. Of the seven criteria used to evaluate operating systems, which show the most difference?

  6. In Windows, if you require tables larger than 4GB, on what type of file system will you need to install MySQL and what commands must be used when creating the tables?

  7. In Linux, what is the command syntax for installing an .rpm file?

  8. In Linux, what is the syntax on the two commands to set a password?

  9. What does ODBC stand for and which OS is most likely to require it?

  10. Why does this guide initially choose to use the command line to interface with MySQL instead of a GUI?

MySQL(c) Essential Skills
MySQL: Essential Skills
ISBN: 0072255137
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 109 © 2008-2017.
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