Grouping and Ungrouping Layers

Grouping and Ungrouping Layers

In order to help you manage your layers you can group them together based on any criteria that makes sense to you. You group layers by creating a layer set and then dragging layers into and out of the set on the Layers palette.

  1. Click on Layer . The Layer menu will appear.

  2. Point to New . The New submenu will appear.

  3. Click on Layer Set . The Layer Set dialog box will appear.

    click to expand
  4. Type a name for the set into the Name text box. The specified name will be used for the set.

  5. Choose an option the Color and Mode lists, if necessary. Making a Color choice will apply a color to the new set's listing in the Layers palette. Making a Mode choice will apply a blending mode, which controls how the individual pixels on the layers in the set blend with pixels on other layers in the set.

  6. Type a new entry into the Opacity text box, if necessary. (You also can click on its arrow, drag the slider, and then click on the arrow again.) Photoshop will make the set's contents more transparent.

  7. Click on OK . Photoshop will close the New Layer dialog box and create the new layer, which will appear in the Layers palette.

    click to expand
  8. Drag a layer name and drop it onto the set name in the Layers palette. The layer will be added into the set.

    click to expand

    To remove a layer from the set, drag it back off the set and drop it elsewhere in the list on the Layers palette.

Adobe Photoshop CS Fast & Easy
Adobe Photoshop CS Fast & Easy (Fast & Easy (Premier Press))
ISBN: 1592003451
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 179 © 2008-2017.
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