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There has never been an Internet phenomenon like Google. Not even Yahoo! of 1994 and 1995 could claim the importance in so many lives that Google can claim. Amazon, eBay, Napster — all have been milestones, but Google is a uniquely big wheel. It has been adopted quickly, its user base is of global scope, and it has influence on society at large. (A recent marketing survey reported that Google was a more recognized brand than Coca-Cola and Starbucks.) No online activity has become as deeply embedded in our culture and language as Googling.

Google is far more than just a search engine and has become more important than other general search engines. Google’s value is partly due to its amazingly accurate search results, which sometimes seem almost as if Google were intuiting your information needs. Part of Google’s appeal lies in its reactionary divergence from search engine portal design and its no-fluff presentation. (As of this writing, the English version of Google’s home page contains 36 words.) Not to be forgotten are Google’s supporting services — all of which are covered in this book — which elevate its usefulness to the level of indispensability. Want to find out something? Google it.

After I wrote three editions of Internet Searching For Dummies, Google was unleashed and started gaining traction. At first I thought that if I were to write another edition of Internet Searching, it might contain one sentence: “Go to Google.” Then, after digging deeply, I realized that Google warranted — needed, demanded! — its own book. You are holding the result.

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Google for Dummies
Google AdWords For Dummies
ISBN: 0470455772
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 188 © 2008-2017.
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