Part II: Specialty Searching

 < Day Day Up > 

Chapter List

Chapter 5: Shopping with Froogle and Google Catalogs
Chapter 6: Searching the Specialty Categories
Chapter 7: Searching for Answers
Chapter 8: Experimenting in Google Labs

In this part . . .

This part moves to the fringe areas of Google, where the information can be even deeper and more personalized than at the core search engine. You might not be aware of Google’s cutting-edge services because they aren’t promoted on the sparse home page. In its outlying districts, Google becomes a shopping portal, a mail-order catalog browser, a government site tracker, a personal consulting company, and an open-door laboratory developing new online technology.

Nearly ten percent of Google’s employees have a Ph.D., and in Part II, you get a glimpse of Google’s extraordinary brain trust at work. Almost everything described here is an innovation, and I foresee the intersection of these chapters and your destiny. Take the cornerstones of these hidden services to build a new platform for your newly vivified, surprisingly diversified, tectonically empowered online immersion. [Editors’ note: While our backs were turned, Brad Hill snuck some chocolate-covered espresso beans. We are now feeding him through a tube.]

 < Day Day Up > 

Google for Dummies
Google AdWords For Dummies
ISBN: 0470455772
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 188 © 2008-2017.
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