FrontPage Server Extensions for Publishing Support

19.1 FrontPage Server Extensions for Publishing Support

FrontPage (commonly referred to as FP) is a versatile web authoring and publishing toolkit provided by Microsoft Corp. The original idea for FrontPage (FrontPage 1.0) was conceived in 1994, at Vermeer Technologies, Inc., and was dubbed the first product to combine web site management and creation into a single, unified tool. Microsoft purchased Vermeer and shipped FrontPage 1.1 in 1996. The latest version, FrontPage Version 2002, is the sixth version in the line and a core part of the Microsoft Office suite.

19.1.1 FrontPage Server Extensions

As part of the "publish anywhere " strategy, Microsoft released a set of server-side software called FrontPage Server Extensions (FPSE). These server-side components integrate with the web server and provide the necessary translation between the web site and the client running FrontPage (and other clients that support these extensions).

Our primary interest lies in the publishing protocol between the FP clients and FPSE. This protocol provides an example of designing extensions to the core services available in HTTP without changing HTTP semantics.

The FrontPage publishing protocol implements an RPC layer on top of the HTTP POST request. This allows the FrontPage client to send commands to the server to update documents on the web site, perform searches, collaborate amongst the web authors, etc. Figure 19-1 gives an overview of the communication.

Figure 19-1. FrontPage publishing architecture


The web server sees POST requests addressed to the FPSE (implemented as a set of CGI programs, in the case of a non-Microsoft IIS server) and directs those requests accordingly . As long as intervening firewalls and proxy servers are configured to allow the POST method, FrontPage can continue communicating with the server.

19.1.2 FrontPage Vocabulary

Before we dive deeper into the RPC layer defined by FPSE, it may help to establish the common vocabulary:

Virtual server

One of the multiple web sites running on the same server, each with a unique domain name and IP address. In essence, a virtual server allows a single web server to host multiple web sites, each of which appears to a browser as being hosted by its own web server. A web server that supports virtual servers is called a multi-hosting web server. A machine that is configured with multiple IP addresses is called a multi- homed server (for more details, please refer to Section 18.2 ).

Root web

The default, top-level content directory of a web server, or, in a multi-hosting environment, the top-level content directory of a virtual web server. To access the root web, it is enough to specify the URL of the server without specifying a page name. There can be only one root web per web server.


A named subdirectory of the root web or another subweb that is a complete FPSE extended web. A subweb can be a complete independent entity with the ability to specify its own administration and authoring permissions. In addition, subwebs may provide scoping for methods such as searches.

19.1.3 The FrontPage RPC Protocol

The FrontPage client and FPSE communicate using a proprietary RPC protocol. This protocol is layered on top of HTTP POST by embedding the RPC methods and their associated variables in the body of the POST request.

To start the process, the client needs to determine the location and the name of the target programs on the server (the part of the FPSE package that can execute the POST request). It then issues a special GET request (see Figure 19-2 ).

Figure 19-2. Initial request


When the file is returned, the FrontPage client reads the response and finds the values associated with FPShtmlScriptUrl , FPAuthorScriptUrl , and FPAdminScriptUrl . Typically, this may look like:


FPShtmlScriptUrl tells the client where to POST requests for "browse time" commands (e.g., getting the version of FPSE) to be executed.

FPAuthorScriptUrl tells the client where to POST requests for "authoring time" commands to be executed. Similarly, FPAdminScriptUrl tells FrontPage where to POST requests for administrative actions.

Now that we know where the various programs are located, we are ready to send a request. Request

The body of the POST request contains the RPC command, in the form of "method=<command>" and any required parameters. For example, consider the RPC message requesting a list of documents, as follows :

 POST /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll HTTP/1.1 
 Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 20:32:54 GMT 
 User-Agent: MSFrontPage/4.0 

The body of the POST command contains the RPC command being sent to the FPSE. As with CGI programs, the spaces in the method are encoded as plus sign ( + ) characters. All other nonalphanumeric characters in the method are encoded using % XX format, where the XX stands for the ASCII representation of the character. Using this notation, a more readable version of the body would look like the following:


Some of the elements listed are:


The URL of the web site on which the method should act. Must be an existing folder or one level below an existing folder.


Shows the hidden documents in a web if its value is "true". The "hidden" documents are designated by URLs with path components starting with "_".


If the value is "true", lists the task lists. Response

Most RPC protocol methods have return values. Most common return values are for successful methods and errors. Some methods also have a third subsection, "Sample Return Code." FrontPage properly interprets the codes to provide accurate feedback to the user.

Continuing with our example, the FPSE processes the "list+documents" request and returns the necessary information. A sample response follows:

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
 Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 
 Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 22:49:50 GMT 
 Content-type: application/x-vermeer-rpc 
 X-FrontPage-User-Name: IUSER_MINSTAR 
 <html><head><title>RPC packet</title></head> 
 <p>method=list documents: 

As you can see from the response, a formatted list of documents available on the web server is returned to the FP client. You can find the complete list of commands and responses at the Microsoft web site.

19.1.4 FrontPage Security Model

Any publishing system directly accessing web server content needs to be very conscious of the security implications of its actions. For the most part, FPSE depends on the web server to provide the security.

The FPSE security model defines three kinds of users: administrators, authors, and browsers, with administrators having complete control. All permissions are cumulative; i.e., all administrators may author and browse the FrontPage web. Similarly, all authors have browsing permissions.

The list of administrators, authors, and browsers is defined for a given FPSE extended web. All of the subwebs may inherit the permissions from the root web or set their own. For non-IIS web servers, all the FPSE programs are required to be stored in directories marked "executable" (the same restriction as for any other CGI program). Fpsrvadm , the FrontPage server administrator utility, may be used for this purpose. On IIS servers, the integrated Windows security model prevails.

On non-IIS servers, web server access-control mechanisms specify the users who are allowed to access a given program. On Apache and NCSA web servers, the file is named .htaccess ; on Netscape servers, it is named .nsconfig . The access file associates users, groups, and IP addresses with various levels of permissions: GET (read), POST (execute), etc. For example, for a user to be an author on an Apache web server, the .htaccess file should permit that user to POST to author.exe . These access-specification files often are defined on a per-directory basis, providing greater flexibility in defining the permissions.

On IIS servers, the permissions are checked against the ACLs for a given root or subroot. When IIS gets a request, it first logs on and impersonates the user, then sends the request to one of the three extension dynamic link libraries (DLLs). The DLL checks the impersonation credentials against the ACL defined for the destination folder. If the check is successful, the requested operation is executed by the extension DLL. Otherwise, a "permission denied " message is sent back to the client. Given the tight integration of Windows security with IIS, the User Manager may be used to define fine-grained control.

In spite of this elaborate security model, enabling FPSE has gained notoriety as a nontrivial security risk. In most cases, this is due to sloppy practices adopted by web site administrators. However, the earlier versions of FPSE did have severe security loopholes and thus contributed to the general perception of security risk. This problem also was exacerbated by the arcane practices needed to fully implement a tight security model.


HTTP. The Definitive Guide
HTTP: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 1565925092
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 294 © 2008-2017.
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