Chapter 3. Analog Emulated Synthesizers

[ LiB ]

Chapter 3. Analog Emulated Synthesizers

Reason contains several devices, referred to as Sound Modules, that are responsible for creating the sounds you hear. Some of them are based on the emulation of analog-style synthesizers that use FM (frequency modulated) synthesis to create their sounds with various oscillators and filters, while others generate sounds through the use of digital audio recordings, or samples. First I'll discuss the FM synthesizers. In this chapter, you'll learn how to:

Load and save patches.

Initialize devices.

Reset device parameters.

Work with the SubTractor Synthesizer.

Work with the Malstr m Graintable Synthesizer.

[ LiB ]

Reason 2.5 Ignite.
Reason 2.5 Ignite!
ISBN: 1592001475
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 71
Authors: Chris Hawkins © 2008-2017.
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