Section 5.6. Contribute

5.6. Contribute!

I've walked you through the ins and outs of Firefox, and I hope you've enjoyed learning about the fantastic browser that developers all over the world have worked on to bring to all of us. I'd like to close by asking you to consider giving back to the Firefox community. Here's what you can do:


The Mozilla Foundation is a nonprofit corporation, and they will certainly accept your donations. You can contribute money by check or electronically at


The Mozilla Store has t-shirts, CDs, books, mugs, and more for sale, at


If you know how to program, working on Firefox is a great way to improve your skills and open up new job opportunities. Information for developers is located at

Report bugs

Anyone can report bugseven if you're not a programmer. It's not hard, and it is really appreciated. Best of all, you can watch as your bug gets addressed, and there's something really empowering about participating in that process. Let me emphasize again: anyone can report bugs. To do so, head over to; you'll see the web page pictured in [click here].

Spread Firefox

Tell your family, friends, coworkers, and others about Firefox. Help them install and configure it. Tell them to buy this book. Get the word out that there is a better browser available!

With your help, Firefox will keep improving. Let's work together to make what is already the best web browser in the world even better!

    Don't Click on the Blue E.
    OReilly Publishers.(Digital Aduio Essentials)(Dont Click on the Blue E!)(IMovie HD and iDVD)(Network Security Tools)(Photoshop Elements 3 For ... Review): An article from: The Bookwatch
    ISBN: 596009399
    EAN: N/A
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 93 © 2008-2017.
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